……….About ZEV240...

ZEV240-PlateOnly, in focus

Zero Emissions Vehicle                                 240 volts is normal          
                                                                        Australian voltage.    

Take  a car - eg a Toyota MR2 sports car with ABS braking, cruise control, air conditioner and great handling - and make a better-performing electric version.

This blog will record over time the progress of my EV, variously named ZEV240, MR240v even Mr 240, which might be gently sending up the average Mr2 car owner, I guess. AND when its finished.…. ok, it probably won't be finished. So I'll keep discussing issues from maintenance to sustainability. Please join in.


My best friends right now are Daniel, the principal at EVshop and Rob his evOffsider who are great tradesmen, and I enjoy helping them  :-)

2012 NOTE: We finished the car early in 2010. There is still a bit to do. And the car is still great fun to drive…

……….About the EHC site...

Privacy (of your data) statement:
I love feedback so you are welcome to add comment to the blogs (use a name that works for you. If you already use DISQUS, you can use the same name). If its reasonable, and contributes to the overall content, Ill leave it. If it is not or doesn't, or is unfair, or even libellous, I’ll delete it. Trust me!

I’d welcome your feedback, there are multiple places. Comment on progress at the ZEV240… blog or the Issues... blog or send a general comment on the Contact   page

The Issues pages might diverge onto topics like total cost of ownership, electricity load levelling, food miles and other vaguely related topics, so you might have to push me back on track occasionally. The plan is is just that - a plan, and it might change. Hang on, as the ride may be a bit unpredictable… But with your additions, the quality could rise dramatically - start now!

The new EHC site - this one - was originally an iWeb site hosted in the US by Apple. A static version isstill visible but comments, page counts etc do not work as these both required server features that were part of the iWeb/dotMac site (the old Electric_Handma_Car is no longer, and I've gradually got used to it!). It is true that  I preferred its design and cannot reproduce it in the current tool, Sandvox. Nevertheless the Sandvox tool is pretty impressive and I probably have more control, better management of master pages, photos etc.  So far I can't do transparency or overlay graphics but that may be available in some other CSS-based Designs. I'm using  a free one called Clean Sheets, iirc, and it is certainly tighter and more standards-based, and creates smaller files that the old method.  

The EHC is one of a number of sites now hosted on our family server, theClarksons.net. While it was being sold I also used http://electric-handmade-car.id.au/ to avoid the focus on the family server. Nevertheless, you are welcome to explore that site too, if you have more time that you know what to do with… At this stage the server is in Perth, Australia, and is pretty fast for a local machine, but it is tailored for us so I can't recommend it to anyone else. Especially not if you are overseas. But you are welcome to make a comment, of course. Perhaps there is a problem? Any other comments? Let me know on the feedback form here on the right.

……….About Me...

        Barnard Clarkson


     Fremantle, Western Australia

EV numberplate:

     ZEV 240 (since Jan’10)

'Press my button' topics include:

     Our environment, neighbourhoods, families & histories,

     interface design, philanthropy, economics, appropriate technology


      Voluntourism, Scratch (MIT software, free for students);

     adult learning with ICT, interactive digital media and HCI

Favourite vacation spots:

      Somewhere I haven’t been before, or wherever my favourite person is...

There's me bush walking not too long ago. Now I’m not working so much, I’ve time to make an EV; its a shame my engineering skills receded years ago, but maybe that’s what friends are for...  If you want to be my friend, welcome aboard!

Converting a donor ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) car to electric is a way to prove I care about the world. Your mileage may vary... :-)  Making it saleable at the same time may be challenging, but should be an aim as well; after all, that is an ultimate form of recycling, right?

With my favourite person I love travelling, and we'll need to fit that in around the construction of this, my first and probably only electric car. 

FrontWheelAndTyreshapeimage 4
ZEV240v incomplete smlold MR2 logo at rear


  1. Issues: Places Mr240 is mentioned.. EValbumDIYelectricCarEVworld, our very own AEVA forum
  2. Blog: The day the battery error light came on  (See What Ive learned…)
  3. Issues: When batteries play up - (What Ive learned…)
  4. Blog: Replacing sad batteries in a Lithium string can be challenging  (same)
  5. Blog: Collecting photos for a 1500km ‘First Summary’ page.
  6. Issues: A checklist of being green - add: Make an EV [_ ]
  7. Blog: What to do about interference on the EV’s stereo? (It’s more aerials…)
  8. Blog: Insurance for bespoke vehicles suddenly improves (see RAC)
  9. Blog: What Ive learned about managing my traction battery (ymmv)
  10. Blog: Battery report 2013  (see What Ive learned…)
  11. Blog: Servicing an electric car  (see the entry: Servicing…)
  12. Blog: The sold Mr240 in a happy new home (awaiting pics from new owner, and permission to post them)
  13. Issues: What EVs are available today? What can a caring person buy?

© bdc 2014